Session 7: Specific Game Rules
These are the 10 rules that are specific to how you play High Stakes.
<SG1> Starting a match
At the start of each match, alliance robots must be placed contacting or “breaking the plane” of their alliance starting line (the line of tape highlighted in green) in front of their alliance station. A robot cannot be touching its alliance partner robot or any scoring object (rings or mobile goals) other than one preload ring.
<SG2> Horizontal expansion is limited
The robots must begin each match with dimensions smaller than 18″ x 18″ x 18″. They can expand once the match has started.
Robots may never exceed an overall footprint of 24″ x 18″ (24″ is the width of a foam tile). They may only expand in one direction from a single side. The expansion must be identified and measured during inspection before a robot is allowed to compete.
This is legal. (It expands 6″ outside of the 18″ x 18″ starting size.)
This is legal. (It does not matter if the expansion increases width rather than length.)
This is not legal. You cannot expand out of two different sides (even if you stay within 18″ x 24″).
This is legal. Even if your robot starts smaller than 18″ x 18″, you can still expand up to 24″ in one direction.
This is not legal. The robot is increasing the size of the robot in two directions.
If you build a robot that is not a clear rectangle, you must still demonstrate that expansion occurs from a single straight side.
<SG3> Vertical expansion is limited
The robots must begin each match with dimensions smaller than 18″ x 18″ x 18″. Once the match starts, robots may expand vertically as long as they don’t exceed two levels of the ladder at any given time. If a robot is on the floor, it cannot be taller than 32″ (the top of the middle gray rung of the ladder). If climbing, the measurement does not rotate with the robot, but is from the perspective of the field (ladder rungs). You cannot skip a level, but must climb from rung to rung.
<SG4> Keep scoring objects in the field
You may not intentionally or strategically remove rings or mobile goals from the field. If a ring does leave the field during a match (intentionally or unintentionally), it will be given to a drive team member from the same color alliance as the ring. The drive team member may gently place the ring(s) into the field so that it:
- touches the field perimeter wall on their alliance station side
- touches the floor
- does not touch a mobile goal
- does not touch a robot
- does not touch a corner
Any team who removes a mobile goal from the field will immediately receive a major violation (disqualification).
<SG5> Each robot gets one ring as a preload
Prior to the start of each match, teams may each place one preload ring (of the same color as their alliance) so that it:
- touches only one robot of their alliance
- does not touch the same robot as another preload
- is not in a scored location or touching any scoring objects or stakes
- touches the field perimeter wall on their alliance station side
- touches the floor
- does not touch a corner, mobile goal, or robot
<SG6> Possession is limited to two rings and one mobile goal
A robot can only possess two rings and one mobile goal at a time. Rings that are scored on a mobile goal are not included in the robot’s possession count (even if they are touching the robot).
A robot is considered to be in possession of a scoring object if:
- that object is fully supported by the robot
- the robot is moving the object with a concave section of the robot
- the robot is holding the object against the tiles or a field element
You can push or plow a scoring object with a flat portion of your robot and it is not considered possession, but if you use a concave portion of your robot to control the movement of scoring objects, it is considered possession.
Plowing multiple mobile goals is permitted, but plowing a mobile goal while also possessing one is a violation of this rule.
Robots that exceed the possession limit must immediately stop all actions except for attempting to remove the excess scoring objects. If unable to remove the excess objects, they must return to a legal starting position, cannot perform any offensive or defensive interactions with mobile goals, stakes, or corners, and will not receive points for climbing.
Egregious violations of this rule (like possessing two or more mobile goals in a single corner) will result in a major violation (disqualification).
<SG7> Don't cross the autonomous line (during the autonomous period)
Robots cannot cross the autonomous line (the double white tape line running across the middle of the field) during the autonomous period. Doing so will result in the opposing alliance receiving the the 6 point bonus. If both alliances cross the line, no points will be awarded to either alliance. The only exception is when opposing robots are interacting with the same ring, mobile goal, or neutral wall stake. If this causes a robot to cross the autonomous line, they will not be penalized.
<SG8> Engage with the autonomous line at your own risk
Teams are responsible for the actions of their robots at all times. During the autonomous period, when opposing robots are both engaged with the same mobile goal, ring, or wall stake, you should expect robot-on-robot interactions. If damage, entanglement, or tipping over occurs, the head referee will determine if an intentional <G13> violation (don’t destroy other robots) has occurred (as would be done the driver controlled period). Incidental violations of <SG7> (don’t cross the autonomous line) due to interaction with the same ring, mobile goal, or neutral wall stake will not be penalized.
<SG9> Don't remove opponents from the ladder
You cannot remove an opposing robot from the ladder. While there is no rule prohibiting incidental contact between climbing robots, the following situations can be considered to see if a violation has occurred:
- if two robots are not at the same level, the higher robot has the “right of way”
- if a robot is on the ladder rungs facing their alliance station, they are considered in an “offensive” or “more safe” position
- if a robot has a history of falling without interaction or is not firmly attached to the ladder, it will not be the opponent’s fault if it falls
- interactions on the high stake will be treated like two robots engaging with the autonomous line
Best situation: be the first robot up, have a strong build, stay on your side of the ladder, avoid the high stake.
<SG10> Alliance wall stakes are protected
The alliance wall stakes are protected and robots may not directly or indirectly interact with the opponent’s alliance wall stake. This includes both scoring and removing rings of either color.
<SG11> Positive corners are "safe" during the endgame
You cannot touch mobile goals in the positive corners of the field or add/remove mobile goals or rings to or from the positive corners during the last 10 seconds of the match.
Go to the V5RC Drive Team Training Course and complete the Unit 5 Quiz.
If you miss any of the questions, now is the time to figure out why. Look back through the rules and the information listed in this session for clarification.