
You will turn in your Classification Chart, Research Worksheet, and a written Report.  Your score will be determined as follows:







Animal Classification Chart

The 7 levels are incomplete and little effort has been made to identify beetle.
All 7 levels are listed but beetle identification has a number of inaccurate or missing pieces.
All 7 levels are correctly listed and beetle is identified with only minor errors.
All 7 levels are correctly listed and beetle is identified accurately.
Research Worksheet
Much of the information is incorrect or missing.
Some information is incorrect or missing.
All sections of the worksheet are complete.  Information is adequate.
All sections of the worksheet are complete and information is very detailed.
Beetle Report: Content
( x 2 )
Information in report does not come from research worksheet.  No recipe.
Report lacks detail.  Many facts on research worksheet are not present.  Recipe may not be appropriate.
Report is 1 to 3 paragraphs in length.  Much information from research worksheet is present.  Appropriate recipe is included.
Report is 3 paragraphs in length.  All details from research worksheet are present.  Appropriate recipe is included.

Beetle Report: Conventions

Little if any proofreading was done.
Many spelling or grammar mistakes.
Few spelling or grammar mistakes.
No spelling or grammar mistakes.  Paragraphs are well organized.


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